Extension of our exhibitions:

• "Modesties d'André Wostijn" > 13.04.2025
• "À l'œuvre" > 24.04.2025

We're working on the rest, find out more about our programme here


Alain Meert et Patrick Marczewski, Le musée idéal, technique mixte, 290 x 185 x 80 cm , 2019. Atelier : Créahm Liège (BE) ©M.Thies/collection trinkhallmuseum


The Ideal Museum is a piece created throughout 2019 by one of the leading artists of the Créahm workshops, Alain Meert, in preparation for the opening of the Trinkhall. The artist answered our question - What is a museum? - with a galleon in full sail, which casually displays drawings, paintings and sculptures. It is a scene of paper, cardboard, objects, multiple unusual and familiar presences, lodged precisely between states of consciousness. The whole world that fits into a boat: Alain Meert's ark. And it is a museum, just as we want it to be, dreamily navigating among ideas, shapes and emotions. Ship Lieutenant Alain Meert is a pirate. So, let’s all climb aboard with a heave ho!

Trinkhall Newsletter



We would like to wish you a Happy New Year and, exceptionally, ask for your support. The museum is celebrating its fifth anniversary this year. Since we opened, just a small number of us have worked tirelessly with the Créahm, but with more commitment than ever, to support and illustrate the expressive power of fragile worlds. Neither our enthusiasm nor our convictions have diminished, but have strengthened, day after day, thanks to the interest you have in our exhibitions, the views exchanged, shared conversations, debates, visits, and events that bring us together. The collection continues to grow and diversify; the roll-out of the museum's workshops – engraving, printing, framing, night-time activities, educational space, publishing – further broadens our horizons, our achievements, the actions that reflect our engagement.

More than ever, we feel that we are working correctly. But funding is lacking. Regardless of meticulous and frugal management, the increase in costs and scarcity of subsidies is putting us in difficulty, hindering our projects, threatening the sustainability or even the existence of the museum. This is why we are calling on you, hoping that this appeal will grab your attention.

You can contact us or show your support by making a tax-deductible donation of 40 euros or more, to this account number (in the name of the non-profit organisation Créahm Région wallonne, Rue de la Brasserie, 5, 4000 Liège):

BE47 0680 8091 3080 (BIC: GKCCBEBB),

noting in the communication line: "Support for the Trinkhall Museum."


We warmly thank you in advance,

Carl Havelange and the Trinkhall Museum team.

the museum's partners
Ville de liège Province de Liège Culture Province de Liège Culture WBI AVIQ Loterie Belfius Cera La première Université de Liège Fnrs la liberté de chercher IGuzzini