The Trinkhall visual creation workshop gives each of us the possibility to reproduce pieces from the collection in the form of top-quality art prints in line with the highest standards in terms of printing and preservation. We see it as an additional way to take care of the collection and set in motion an open policy in terms of circulation.

To give you a sneak preview before we upload the whole collection onto our site, here is a non-exhaustive selection of the pieces you can purchase in print version.

Formats and tariff - INFOS


• The newly installed framing workshop in our storeroom serves both the collection and its visitors. We make the frames for our exhibitions there and this gives the Trinkhall scenography its unique identity. We also offer an open framing service for our prints or other proposals submitted to us. Our frames are made with high quality materials and in compliance with museum conservation standards. We collaborate with Belgian suppliers as much as possible.

Formats and tariff - INFOS

DUHEM Paul - 2011.033
DUHEM Paul - 2001.037
AVRIL Adolpho - 2009.004
BALBIANI Silvano - 2001.046
BALBIANI Silvano - 2006.034
BERRY Dorothy - 00164
DE PEET Pierre - 2005.099
DEWAELE Christiane - 2015.079
PARENTE Marinella - 2011.012
PARENTE Marinella - 2011.011
PETINIOT Michel - 2018.0579
VINCKE Pascale - 1992.038
VINCKE Pascale - 1997.002
WELLENS Andrea - 00301
OTOYA Bertha - 2016.074
DE PEET Pierre - 4-2021
Mc PHERSON Doreen - 2012.011
SMITH Michael - 2014.041
JOHANSSON - 2013.078
s.t., pointe bic sur papier, 2012
STERCKX Daniel - 1992.035
ANDOUCHE Inès - 2000.001
ANDOUCHE Inès 2000.002
DE PEET Pierre - 2-2021
DE PEET Pierre - 3-2021
DE PEET Pierre - 5-2021
DE PEET Pierre - 8-2021
DE PEET Pierre - 1-2021
DE PEET Pierre - 4-2021
DE ZAETIJDT Robert - 114
GOOSSENS Roland - 2011.149
DE PEET Pierre - 7-2021
PETINIOT Michel - 2021-1
Elmar Schafer - Atelier : Créahm Fribourg (CH)
s.t., feutre sur papier, entre 1997 et 2004
GOOSSENS Roland - 2011.150
s.t., acrylique sur papier, 2006
OOST Jean-Jacques 2010.051
s.t., crayon gris et pastel gras, 1995
CICCONE Valerio - 1992.005
DUHEM Paul - 2001.035
CATTEBEKE Christine - 2007.094
PIETKIN Dimitri - 2008.102
HANOCQ Patrick - 2008-026
HANOCQ Patrick - 2005.102
MEERT Alain - 1
MEERT Alain - 2
MEERT Alain - 4
MEERT Alain - 5
PETINIOT Michel - 1
OTOYA Bertha - 2016.076
COSIJNS Sylvain - 2011.103